Mommy Zombie and Her Babies…

We had a wonderful, old-fashioned New England Halloween! If you want to see a picture of me with Max and Mason, click HERE. Gads, it took me about an hour to get those tangles out of my hair!

We’re now preparing for Richard’s dad’s visit this weekend. We’re having an early Thanksgiving while he’s here and the children are excited about that. We’ll, of course, be having a regular Thanksgiving, too. You can never have too much turkey and dressing!

And, I’ve started my Christmas list. The siblings and cousins will be drawing names this year because the family is just getting way too big. Since we have the most kids, I’m sure the other relatives were thrilled when I threw that idea out there. I’ve proposed that we have a theme each year. Some theme ideas I came up with were: OOAK (one of a kind), toy, nostalgic toy, handmade, and edible. Any of you have any gift theme ideas for a family with a really whacked out sense of humor?

We got that hurricane last weekend! Max and I were out running errands in it and it was very exciting. The rain was flying by sideways and the wind was shaking the truck. As we ran from the truck into the craft store, Max was laughing and yelled to me above the wind, “I hope we don’t die!”

It really wasn’t that bad. Just lots of wind and rain. We found some high water on the way home and a sports car stalled out in front of us. Good thing we were in the truck. I had the opportunity to reminisce and tell Max stories about some of the hurricanes I experienced in Texas growing up. My mom called awhile later and she remembered when Hurricane Alicia hit and a tree came through my bedroom window. Luckily, it happened right after my parents made me go downstairs where it was safer.

This Week’s Maxism:

“It’s very dangerous for a cow to jump over the moon. He might fall on a rock and bust his tooth out…”

Hugs to all!


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