Good News! Mason (age 7) is NOT a hoarder!

Good News! Mason (age 7) is NOT a hoarder!

Our neighborhood is having a garage sale soon and we definitely plan to participate. Last weekend, Mason asked me help him to clean out the closet. Yes, Mason is our first child who ever WANTED to clean out the closet!

An Easy Way To Double Or Triple What You Make On A Trip By Stephen King

First, one of the things I have to say is all that talk about the “lifestyle” writers lead is totally true. For the last 20 years, I have been getting paid to take trips, go to events, and hang out with celebrities. Just a few days ago, I spent the day with a beautiful, blond national TV star. And, got paid to do it. Not a bad way to make a paycheck…

Whispers And Warnings For February 19th

  • Billionaire David Einhorn Sues To Reveal Identity Of ‘Seeking Alpha’ Blogger
  • United States’ Press Freedom Ranking Drops Sharply
  • Publisher Blames Indian Law For Hindu Book Removal
  • Why A Climate Scientist’s Libel Case Matters (Op-Ed)
  • Former Execs Are Suing 30 Internet Trolls For Defamation