writing tips

Price Yourself Into New Business By Amy Lorenzo

A price sheet – a list of specific projects and their costs – is a handy tool for any writer. Creating one prepares you to give “back of the napkin” estimates. And, any experienced freelancer knows that when a prospect calls about a 400-word blog article, you can often win the business by providing an immediate answer when she asks “What’s it going to cost?”
That’s great when reacting to inquiries, but did you know that a price sheet can be highly effective for proactive marketing? Here’s how…

Where to Find the Best Article Ideas! By Burton H. Wolfe

One of the frequent topics popping up in magazines devoted to writers and writing is how and where to get ideas for stories, be they fiction or non-fiction. That should not be a problem for anyone who intends to be or is writing for publication. It is for many writers because they are looking into the skies for the big literary bomb to be exploded in hype they can peddle to the highest paying markets. That is a mistake…

For Writers – The Art of Closing the Deal By Mridu Khullar Relph

One of the first things freelancers, self-employed professionals, and entrepreneurs have to learn very, very quickly is the art of closing the deal. The problem is, despite having worked in the business for years, many freelance writers still don’t realize that they’re responsible for being proactive about this and that this business term – closing the deal – doesn’t just apply to other businesses, but to everything they do.