Want To Make More Money From Your Writing? By Mara Reid Rogers

The Party Line:

You know how when you go to a party, or any get-together for that matter, and the first question someone asks you is “What do you do?”

Well, recently, until about a week ago, that question had me stumped.

The reason is that years ago I was a cookbook author, and loved it, and had a very successful career at it for over a decade.

Do I still write cookbooks? Yes; and I teach an online class where other writers and cooks/chefs can learn how to write and sell their cookbook ideas. And I have a new eBook on the same topic.

But, you see that’s not all I do. I also have a career as a Dating Coach where I help men and women find love, and I write about the topics of Dating, Relationships, and Marriage too.

So, you could say I write recipes for food and recipes for love – right?

But, that is a rather confusing phrase and really doesn’t say much of anything.

My point is that I have defined what “I do” in the past as “I have a hybrid career.”

And then I continue to try to explain what that “Hybrid Career” is: “I am a Writer who has authored a variety of titles on a variety of subjects, and I have a dual career, both as a teacher for budding cookbook authors and as a dating coach.”

But, that’s rather a mouthful to share with a total stranger that you meet at a party, or anywhere for that matter. After all, s/he just wants to start a simple conversation.

Then, a week ago, I read something that now helps me define my career, and to answer the question “What do you do?” much more succinctly.

Sell “Information”:

What did this for me was a recently published book that I read titled From Entrepreneur to Infopreneur: Make Money with Books, eBooks, and Information Products. By Stephanie Chandler.

She helped me define what I do for a career, “I am an Infopreneur.” To my knowledge, Ms. Chandler coined this great word.

Now you can imagine the person at the party will then ask me (and does), “What is an Infoprenuer?”

My reply now?

“An Infopreneur is someone who sells information. Everyone is an expert at something, some people are experts at more than one skill, and they can write about those skills in a “How-To” style to teach others how to so what they do. By sharing and selling this information in some form whether it be a book, eBook, online class or some other information product, they are what is referred to as an Infopreneur.”

This concept of “Infopreneur” is a great way to tackle increasing your revenue streams as a Writer. Just think, whether it is a book, eBook, online class, special report, teleseminar, audio program or any of the other many modern forms “information” is sold in, you can leverage what you already know! Even if you are not recognized yet as an “expert” in a given field or industry, there is, I am sure something you know how to do that someone else wants to learn. You can teach them! Whether it’s how to fix a leaky toilet or how to study for an exam effectively–there is some knowledge or craft, or trade you know that others need to know, and they will happily pay you for that information!

So get writing!

Mara Reid Rogers is an Information Specialist; she is a Freelance Author, Cookbook Instructor, and Dating Coach. You can view her eBook here at https://www.booklocker.com/books/2712.html and her online course at .