Nature Friend Magazine

Nature Friend Magazine

Nature Friend Magazine
4253 Woodcock Lane
Dayton VA 22821

Phone: (540)867-0764
Fax: (540)867-9516

Editor: Kevin and Bethany Shank
Email address:

About The Publication:

50% freelance. “Nature-loving children and families get Nature Friend. We are primarily about wild nature. Can be animals, plants, birds, insects, rocks, ocean life, astronomy, gardening, learning by doing activities and experiments.” Welcomes new writers. Circ. 7500. Monthly. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buy first rights. Accepts reprints. Responds quickly.

Pays $0.03-$0.05/edited word.

Current Needs:

“We work several months in advance, and prefer material to be seasonably appropriate. So, submit seasonal material four months or greater in advance. We need more learning by doing activities and experiments. Can be building nature-related projects or science experiments–anything nature-related has potential, if it is within our guidelines.” Pays $0.05/edited word for first rights; $0.03/edited word for reprints. Stories and articles run 400-1200 words. Submit complete ms, cover letter, and bio by mail with SASE.

$0.03-$0.05/edited word


“Send quality illustrations if you have them, at a resolution of 300 dpi and quarter page or larger.” Pays $75/cover, $50/back cover, $25/inside. Photo guidelines online.


“We appreciate writings that are in harmony with our guidelines, neatly presented, well identified with address, phone number, email, etc. We need more good stories (as opposed to articles). We don’t enjoy a few paragraphs about an animal and a page of encyclopedia notations. Roll up your sleeves and write an interesting story. Be a subscriber.”

Welcomes New Writers: Yes