Mystery Weekly Magazine
3-35 Stone Church Road, Suite 213
Ancaster Ontario, Canada L9K 1S5
Website: https://www.MysteryWeekly.com
Guidelines: https://mysteryweekly.com/submit.asp
Editor: Kerry Carter, Editor.
Email address: submissions-at-mysteryweekly.com
About The Publication:
“Mystery Weekly Magazine presents crime and mystery short stories by some of the world’s best established and emerging mystery writers. The original stories we select for each issue run the gamut from cozy to hardboiled fiction. Available in print on Amazon and on Kindle Newsstand with a 30 day trial. 100% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Monthly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms 1-2 months after acceptance.
Pays $0.02/word for 2500-7500 words.
Current Needs:
CURRENT NEEDS: “We need short mysteries with sparkling writing and a strong ending.”
Pays $0.02/word for 2500-7500 words.
Pays $0.02/word for 2500-7500 words
“Avoid profanity and excessive violence, and make sure there are no typos or grammatical errors. We do not do any editing. If your submission isn’t polished, we will have to reject it even if it’s otherwise brilliant.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes