Legalcom Group
Website: https://legalcom.group
Email address: office@legalcom.group
About The Publication:
“We specialize in providing legal information online through vetted lawyers and paralegals across the globe. Pays every other week, after article submission. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds 1-3 business days. “Each writer will have a guidelines document and each topic we’re looking to write about has a proposed structure/summary/useful links.”
Pays $80-$130.
Current Needs:
“Quality content. We’re not looking for plain text articles, but well-researched articles to educate our customers: articles with images, links, quotes from research papers, experts’ quotes etc.” Pays $100-$300 for a 1500 to 2500 word article. Submit resume or cover letter, and links to 3-4 portfolio works.
$100-$300 for a 1500 to 2500 word article
Images to accompany some writing assignments.
“While our articles mainly discuss legal topics, we strive to not “speak legalese.” As such, we want to work with writers who can understand legal topics, simplify the ideas behind the legal wording and educate our customers.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes