Fine Books & Collections
101 Europa Drive, Suite 150
Chapel Hill NC 27517
Phone: (800)662-4834
Fax: (919)945-0700
Website: https://www.finebooksmagazine.com
Guidelines: https://www.finebooksmagazine.com/writing
Editor: Allison C. Meier, Editor.
Email address: allison-at-finebooksmagazine.com
About The Publication:
“Fine Books & Collections covers a broad range of topics and subjects of interest to book collectors, dealers, librarians, curators, and bibliophiles, from early manuscripts, to modern first editions and fine art, and everything in between.” 90% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Pays within 30 days of acceptance. Publishes ms 2-3 months after acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one month.
Pays $0.20/word or negotiable rates for 500-2000 words.
Current Needs:
“Queries for our ‘front-of-book’ section: short newsy pieces on books, art, and collecting. We work 4-6 months in advance.” Pays $0.20/word or negotiable rates for 500-2000 words. Submit short but detailed query by email.
Pays $0.20/word for 500-2000 words. Submit short but detailed query by email.
“We work on photography & art in-house.”
A common mistake is when “writers will say they want to write about a topic ‘X’ without a hook or a narrative for the proposed article, which is a mistake.”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes