Website: https://www.familyhandyman.com
Editor: Berit Thorkelson – Assigning Editor
Email address: berit.thorkelson@trustedmediabrands.com
About The Publication:
“The Family Handyman brand began 70 years ago with the inception of Family Handyman, a national newsstand DIY magazine with 1.2 million subscribers. Our website, FamilyHandyman.com, has 6.5 million unique monthly visitors (plus healthy followings on social media). We’re part of Trusted Media Brands, along with publications including Taste of Home and Reader’s Digest.” Pays within four weeks of acceptance. Publishes ms within one week of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Responds within one week.
Pays $75 for 350 word article.
Current Needs:
“Freelance Digital Writers to write about gardening, lawn care, pools, pergolas, outdoor furniture “best of” roundups and other outdoor living topics. Also, we are always looking for writers with DIY and home and/or auto maintenance experience. FamilyHandyman.com, the #1 media brand for DIYers, needs experienced freelancers who can write about gardening, lawn care, “best of” outdoor furniture roundups and all kinds of DIY outdoor living topics + writers with DIY and home and/or auto maintenance experience (ongoing need).” Pay starts at $75/350 word article, based on word count and experience. Article length ranges between 300-700 words. Submit query by email, that includes your professional website, explanation of qualifications and links to published clips, ideally on a topic that the magazine is featuring in their next issue.
$75 for 350 word article
Welcomes New Writers: Yes