A Fine Parent
Website: https://www.afineparent.com
Guidelines: https://www.afineparent.com/write
Editor: Kacy Kostiuk
Email address: articles@afineparent.com or afineparenteditor@gmail.com
About The Publication:
90% freelance. “A Fine Parent is an online community for parents who believe that Great Parents are Made, Not Born. Each week on the blog we publish one in-depth article on supporting parents to embrace Positive Parenting and stay on board no matter what life throws at them.” Welcomes new writers who follow the writer guidelines. Weekly. Pays on acceptance. Publishes ms within 1-6 months of acceptance. Buys all rights. No reprints. Submit complete ms by email. Sample articles available online.
Pays $75.
Current Needs:
Please check for current needs in the writer’s guidelines. Pays flat fee of $75/article of 1500-3000 words.
$75.00 / 1500-3000 words
“Please do not send us any photos/art unless we have explicitly agreed to include your artwork.”
“We have a very niche audience. Not being familiar with our publication and sending a generic article is what we see as the biggest mistake. Please take a look at some of our cornerstone content here (https://www.afineparent.com/cornerstone-articles) to decide if we are a good fit for you. If yes, please write your article to meet our writer guidelines. If we are a good fit for each other, chances are, we will not only publish you, but do everything we can to promote you!”
Welcomes New Writers: Yes