Witness to Romance…

Our friends, Scott and Kelly, flew in to visit us for the weekend. On Saturday, we drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain. The boys had to visit the bathroom so Scott said they’d meet us at the top. We helped the boys, and then walked the short distance to the summit. Scott and Kelly weren’t there. I scanned the horizon and saw them way over on another walkway, overlooking Bar Harbor. Then, I saw Kelly jump into Scott’s arms and kiss him. I said, “Oh, look! They’re hugging and kissing!”

Richard replied, “He just asked her to be his wife.”

I pointed and yelled, “They just got engaged?!”

When I did that, everybody on the summit also looked at them and a collective sigh of “aaaawweeee” went up from the crowd. It was soooo romantic and I managed to get a couple of pictures of them at that moment, too! We feel so blessed to have witnessed such a romantic moment that day. πŸ™‚

This week, we have a Masonism for you:

Mason is three years old now and, while he’s very well-behaved, he does have his moments, especially when he’s over-tired. When he has his “moments”, we ignore him, knowing that feeding his tantrum will only make them last longer, perhaps even into adulthood (snicker).

Anyway, he had one of his crying spells a couple of weeks ago and I was ignoring him while working on my laptop. After about 10 minutes, he grew suddenly silent, came to sit next to me, took a deep breath, exhaled, and said, “Okay, I’m not cryin’ anymore.”

Hugs to all!


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