If you celebrate Christmas and you have (or had) young children in the house, you know what our house is like today. The children can barely sit still in their excitement for Santa’s visit tomorrow night! Even Mason, who is only three, has learned to count down the days, and is also on his very best behavior.

Richard and I had a date on Monday night and, when we got home, Mason asked, “Did you buy me a toy?”

I replied, “No, you’ll be getting plenty of toys from Santa on Christmas.”

Instead of complaining, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Okay.”

There is other excitement in the house as well. Ali (age 18), who attended two years of a culinary program in high school, and who now attends a culinary program in college, catered her very first event last weekend! Her big brother (Zach) helped with the prep work. Those two worked their backsides off all day long. At 6:15 p.m., she served 20 people (a church board of directors) a sit-down dinner. It was a huge hit and the pastor told her some of them have already talked about hiring her for future events. After the dinner, they called her out of the kitchen and started applauding. Wow!! She was over the moon and we are so proud of her! πŸ™‚

I must get back to finishing the issue because Ali and I are supposed to deliver our baked goods to the neighbors this afternoon. Right now, Ali and Frank are delivering gifts to a needy family that Ali adopted last year. And, we haven’t been to the grocery store yet for our annual Christmas Eve Fondue Dinner yet! Ack!! It’s snowing buckets right now. It couldn’t be any more Christmassy!

This week’s Maxism:

“My room is all clean for Santa. And, after Christmas, I can let it get messy again!”

Hugs to all!


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