Thank YOU!!!

We have been enjoying watching the Food Channel all week. It’s interesting to see how many different ways people cook turkey and the other fixins’. While we rarely change the traditional recipes handed down from Mom, it’s still fun to watch while our mouths water and our tummies grumble.

On Thursday, Ali, Caleb and I will be slaving over a hot stove all day – and loving every minute of it. Who’s Caleb, you ask? Caleb is Frank’s friend who’s been one of our unofficial “kids” for about a decade now. He recently came to live with us. He loves to cook so we now have two foodies in the house and it seems they are trying to their hardest to fatten us all up for the winter!

Friday is Hoy Holiday – the day when we all trek to the Christmas Tree farm together, and pick out just the right one. We’ll bring it home and the girls will sit back and laugh while the boys try to get it to stand up straight. We’ll then pull all the decorations out of the basement, and start putting them up. After the sun sets, we’ll either have fondue or order pizza, and we’ll all squeeze into the living room to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Hoy Holiday is one of my favorite days of the year!

Today, we are thankful for each of you, our readers. It’s a true blessing to have so many online friends. I enjoy the friendships and the comaraderie we all share and it’s comforting to know that, if I need anything at all, I can fire off an email to my online friends, and receive an almost instant reply! So, thank YOU!!! πŸ™‚

I have a Masonism for you this week.

Mason was taking a bubble bath the other night and I caught him with his mouth smushed against a bar of soap. I screeched, “What are you doing?! That’ll give you diarrhea!”

He smiled, and replied, “I’m kissing the soap!”

Hugs to all!
