Paying Gaming Markets For Writers By Karoki Githure

Paying Gaming Markets For Writers By Karoki Githure

The evolution of technology hasn’t spared the gaming industry. Games have become easily accessible on our phones, computers, tablets, laptops, and gaming consoles. As a result, the gaming writing industry always needs content to cover anything related to both new and old games. Below are some of the gaming publications that accepting pitches.

Geek Native
Geek Native’s primary target audience is gamers interested in tabletop roleplaying games. They also cover a wide variety of geek culture content that most gamers are interested in, such as anime, comics, and games, among others. The type of pitches they consider are gaming tips and tricks, news, and industry commentary. Final articles should be between 750 to 1,000 words, and payment is $0.10 per word via PayPal upon acceptance. Writers are encouraged not to go beyond the 1,000-word cap since they don’t pay for the extra words.

Submission guidelines:

Rock Paper Shotgun
RPS is a PC gaming website that publishes gaming news, reviews, guides, hardware, e.t.c. Some of the article ideas they are interested in are expert and in-depth coverage of big games, the industry’s interview-led features, or an idea they’d never have thought of. Rock Paper Shotgun’s standard article rate is £200 for 1000-1500-word articles. However, they are willing to adjust the payment based on the amount of work required.

Submission guidelines:

Ogrezine is a PDF magazine devoted to the game of Ogre, a video game created by the American game designer Steve Jackson. The magazine accepts query letters for articles related to the game of Ogre. Some of the main ideas they’re interested in are something new or surprising, strategies, and scenarios, among others. Interested writers should go through The Ogre Book to better understand their preferred article type and style. Ogrezine prefers a 2,000-word article length and pays $0.06/word upon publication.

Submission guidelines:

Unwinnable Monthly
Unwinnable digital magazine and website that videogames and the geek culture. They’re looking for features, essays, articles with a unique approach and personal experience. Interested writers are encouraged to read previously published articles first to get a feel of their content and tone.

They pay as follows:
$0.05 per word for 1500-word stories accepted to Unwinnable Monthly.
$5-10 for 1000-word stories accepted to
$25 for 500-word essays
$10 for 375-word essays
Submission guidelines:

Uppercut, formerly Your Geeky Gal Pal, is a media and games site dedicated to providing creative content that focuses on significant criticism and marginalized voices. They accept pitches from both new and experienced writers strictly in the last week of the month. To grab their attention, pitch an article idea that gives insight or angle on a game that’s unique and not covered anywhere else. They pay $50 per article through PayPal only.

Submission guidelines:

Thumbsticks is a website whose mission is to be the home for articles that explore the video game industry and culture in detail. They are looking for analysis on game design, sound, art, story, and any unique angle on the video game topics. Payment is £0.02 per word for the commissioned word count.

Submission guidelines: is an online resource for people who make and sell games that cover every aspect of the games industry. Their target audience is industry professionals, and the site publishes articles on games design, publishing, marketing, development, and distribution or retail. They accept pitches from writers on editorials, investigative pieces, academy articles, and interviews. Payment is discussed after the pitch is accepted and depends on the work involved, but the standard rate is £150 per article.

Submission guidelines:

Karoki Githure is a full-time freelance writer and loves sharing with other writers on ways to earn through writing.

We are always seeking new and informative articles at WritersWeekly. We pay $60 for around 600 words. If you would like to submit an article, please see our guidelines first  RIGHT HERE.

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