Is Twitter Placating China?; Author Calls Publisher Simon & Schuster “Disgusting” IN His Own Book – In The News – 09/23/2021

This is NOT a Journalist!
Slate Journalist Sent Draft of Story to Fusion GPS About Possible Link Between Trump, Russian Bank: Indictment
“The research firm hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign to investigate then-candidate Donald Trump wrote him it was ‘time to hurry on the story.'”

Twitter Chumming up to China Regarding Taiwan
Twitter Cedes Taiwan to China
“The pattern suggests that Twitter maintains a policy of linking the two countries in search, perhaps as a way to placate the Chinese Communist Party.”

What Are They Trying to Hide??
FAA allows Fox News drone to document border surge after flight restriction draws criticism
“Fox News has used the drone to document the surge of illegal immigration in the border town of Del Rio at the southern border with Mexico.”

Carlson Calls S&S “Disgusting.”
Tucker Carlson is taking aim at his own book publisher
“A company I was working for was doing harm, not just to one person, Josh Hawley, but to our entire system, to the idea of a free country…”

What Do YOU Think About This?
Movie and TV production could grind to a halt as leaders of 150,000-member Hollywood crafts union push vote to strike over low pay and marathon workdays
“The union is also seeking ‘meaningful improvements in rest periods’ and increased wages for crafts that have hourly rates of less than $18 an hour.”

Par for the Course for Amazon!
Amazon can’t compel arbitration of driver’s spying claims
“ Inc must forego individual arbitration and face in court a proposed nationwide class action claiming the e-commerce giant unlawfully monitored and ‘wiretapped’ private Facebook groups used by drivers to discuss working conditions, a California federal judge has ruled.”

If Facebook Doesn’t Like What You Post, They Will “Fact Check” You! We Should Know!!
John Stossel Sues Facebook Alleging Defamation Over Fact-Check Label, Seeks at Least $2 Million
“Former TV journalist John Stossel is demanding at least $2 million in damages from Facebook in a lawsuit he filed against the social media giant, alleging the company defamed him by appending fact-checking labels to two videos he posted about climate change.”

When One Retailer (Amazon!) Stops You From Selling Your Book for Less Elsewhere, That IS Price Fixing!!
Publishers, Amazon Ask Court to Dismiss ‘Illogical’ E-book Price-Fixing Suit
“The complaint draws heavily upon an October, 2020 congressional subcommittee report on competition in the digital market which detailed some of Amazon’s hardball practices surrounding e-book pricing.”

We’ll Be Watching This One!
Nunes Libel Case Raises Actual-Malice Liability for Retweets
“The revival of Rep. Devin Nunes’ libel lawsuit over an Esquire article raises new questions about how the Supreme Court’s half-century-old ‘actual malice’ standard for public figure defamation liability applies in the digital age.”



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