So, What if a Guy Posts a Similar Photo About Testicular Cancer???
Facebook Oversight Board Says Nipple Moderation Can Hurt Women’s Free Speech
“‘Free the nipple’ has been a subject of vast protest by celebrities, artists, and others these past few years.”
What the ****?!?!
Author of Children’s Book and Husband Charged With Abusing their own kids
“The book is still for sale on Amazon, but reviewers have been filling the comments with links to news articles about the allegations against the author.”
Does Anyone Remember “McCarthyism?”
Rove blasts publishing industry ‘blacklist’ push: ‘Have we come to this as a country?’
“But, now we’ve got Americans who disagree with them about an election outcome, [so] we’ve got to blacklist them.”
Look Out, Daily Mail! It Didn’t End Well for Gawker!
MyPillow CEO Hires Gawker-Killing Lawyer to Go After Daily Mail for Jane Krakowski Affair Story
“He immediately told them he had never heard of her, and it was a ‘fake news story.’ The Daily Mail then recklessly published its false story, and defamed him in the process…”
So, NOW They Want to Ban “Beowulf?!”
Canceling Chaucer
“Leicester told MailOnline the Changes had Nothing to do With the Texts Being ‘Too White’ but That it was Keen to Engage with ‘Our Students’ own Interests and Enthusiasms.’”
Wow! What an “Educational” Trip!
NY Times Reporter Accused of Using ‘N-WORD,’ Other Racist, Sexist Remarks on 2019 Educational Trip: Report
“I think firing him would even be appropriate.”
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It's A Dirty Job...Writing Porn For Fun And Profit! Includes Paying Markets!

Fact is, writing porn is fun! It's also one of the easier markets to crack and make money at while you're still honing your skills. "It's A Dirty Job..." is one of the only resources that can teach you everything you need to know to create your stories and target your markets.
Read more here:
It's a Dirty Job
BOOK PROPOSALS THAT WORKED! Real Book Proposals That Landed $10K - $100K Publishing Contracts - by Angela Hoy
Peek over the shoulders of highly successful, published authors to see how they landed publishing contracts worth $10,000 to $100,000! An enticing yet professional book proposal is the key!
BONUS! Successful ghostwriter, Anton Marco, shares his secret for landing ghostwriting clients. Don’t miss Anton’s real ghostwriting contract at the end of this book! It provides an example of what he charges and the payment terms he requires from each client.