From 4-Year-Old Story Teller (with a Mesmerized 4-Legged Fan) to Published Author! by Thomas Mathias

From 4-Year-Old Story Teller (with a Mesmerized 4-Legged Fan) to Published Author! by Thomas Mathias

I think I was an author beginning about age four but I never put anything down on paper until after retirement.

I grew up in the country, which limited my number of friends and social activities. In fact, I only had one friend, Mickey. We were about the same age and our main difference was I had two legs while Mickey had four.

Mickey also had more hair, but was very limited in the category of conversational skills. I discussed many things with Mickey, receiving no response. Sometimes, I would pretend, making up stories, and then running them by Mickey. It was my belief and understanding that Mickey always absorbed and appreciated my stories. He was an excellent audience.

Early on, I lost my captive audience when Mickey was killed by a car but, throughout life, the memory of my first and favorite audience member remained with me. The habit of pretending was ingrained, and prevailed with me through the years.

Imagination and pretending for me was equally applied to characters and plots, sub-plots, and feel good endings, sometimes with unexpected twists. There were times, in my pretending, I enjoyed more the expansion of the characters and, at times, more the expansion and depth of the plot. I continued my habit of pretending during the years of family origination, activities, and development.

Reading children stories to a newly attentive audience provided me with the opportunity to make up characters and surprise endings to the stories. Each night, the same story may have a new character installed, or an existing character changed in some way, and possibly give a new twist to the ending.

Possibly delayed way too long, the effort to write and put down on paper, or screen, the sometimes weird and unusual thoughts and phrases of my mind began. Thus, the beginning of my thoughts on psychokinesis, the reality of the possibility versus the fantasy, according to the laws of physics. After experiencing a busy and deeply rewarding lifetime of family experiences, and enjoying a successful business career, the endeavor to write a complete novel was the fulfillment of a lifelong passion and dream.

They say to become a writer all you must do is sit down at the keyboard and start pounding out words, always assuming they’ll come out descriptive and colorful like the rainbow. Funny, my words come out occasionally black and white. I’ve had days that were dark and gloomy when the words seem to crawl out, void of color. I learned to assign these days to paying bills, cleaning out the garage, or some other evil, procrastinated duty. When the words are flowing easily and in your mind, magnificently, you feel like there’s no slowing down and you can write for days with very little sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I’ve had restless nights where I might awaken and my mind would be filled with great thoughts and phrases and, after going back to sleep, lose the entire masterpiece when I eventually woke up and couldn’t remember them. I solved this problem by writing down those thoughts and phrases right when they occurred, no matter what hour it was.

Throughout all the ordeals of exploring an entirely new adventure of writing, a new treasure lode of enjoyment and excitement has been discovered. Looking back, imagination and pretending were the catalysts to get things started. For me to finally write my stories, all it took was a short trip back to the recesses of my mind, remembering the receptive audiences of the past, and the children each night engrossed with my stories, as well as my very first faithful and attentive audience, Mickey.

Thomas Mathias, following a successful business career filled with self determination and imagination, brings to fruition a life long passion and dream to write mystery and science fiction. His seasoned experience, imagination, and prophetic predictions for the future challenge the reader to decide that which is theory, fact, or fiction.

About the Book

2028: Only a few seconds before midnight on the Armageddon Clock…

This science fiction mystery looking to the year 2028 provides the reader with a frightening prophetic glimpse into the future that is both realistic and plausible. The Armageddon Clock is seconds away from midnight and planet Earth has a fifty-fifty chance of survival relying on an ex-convict with the incredible gift of psychokinesis.


Thomas Mathias has penned a mesmerizing, tantalizing, apotheosizing story with a full fledged glimpse into a world of psychokinetic powers, good versus evil, noble virtues, bad omens and old fashioned desire, seasoned with a presidential election, terroristic bad guys, and brilliant scientific minds.

– Mary Sue Whitelaw, writer and editor

Thomas Mathias, following a successful business career filled with self determination and imagination, brings to fruition a life long passion and dream to write mystery and science fiction. His seasoned experience, imagination, and prophetic predictions for the future challenge the reader to decide that which is theory, fact, or fiction.

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