Hi Angela,
Hope you are well. I’m working on an updated edition of my novel. The purpose of this is to make my historical fiction novel better, to my satisfaction. But what I’ve been researching indicates that if I make a 2nd edition, then it is considered a new book, with a new ISBN number, and a new page on Amazon. By doing this, I read that my current reviews would not transfer to the 2nd edition’s page. What are your thoughts on this? The purpose of my 2nd edition would be to: (1) correct a few typos, (2) rearrange some paragraphs to make them flow more chronologically, and (3) insert dialogue in a few areas where I think it is weak.
Your book is a print on demand title published by us BookLocker.
I recommend simply submitting a revised file to us so we can format it, send it to you for approval, convert it, and upload it to the printer for processing. The printer will send you a new print proof to check as well. We can add “Second Edition” to the title of the book in the databases (to avoid confusing readers), and to the cover (if you wish) and we can even update the publication date in the printer’s and distributors’ systems. That way, you keep the same ISBN, your current links, AND, most importantly, your Amazon.com reviews. That’s one of the nice things about print on demand. We and the printer can process updated files, process metadata changes, and even change the title of the book in all the bookstore systems (online and brick and mortar) for a low fee.
Unfortunately, some print on demand publishers don’t allow authors to do this. Instead, they force the author to publish a brand new book. Why? It’s quite simple. They can charge the author several hundred to a thousand or more dollars to publish that “new” book, rather than letting them simply update the existing one. This is just another way that many POD publishers force authors to spend far more money than they need to. At BookLocker, we don’t do business that way.
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Angela Hoy's popular online class is now available in book format!
Remember Your Past
Write It and Publish It
in as little as 12 weeks!
Angela Hoy's book will get you started!
- Using Angela's MEMORY TRIGGERS, recall memories that have been dormant for years
- Record those memories in chronological order in your memory notebook
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- Also works for biographies and memoirs!
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i thought that a new edition required a new isbn
Thanks, Angela. That’s a good piece of information to know, Angela. If I compile enough of a list of typos that slipped through the proofreading process to warrant changing, I’ll take advantage of your policy.