
Chicken Rodeo?

Growing up, my brother, Darin, had the worst allergies of anyone I knew. He was allergic to everything, from the annual Christmas tree (we had to stop buying real ones), to our pet pony (we had to sell him). Thankfully, I never had allergies as a kid. However, it’s getting impossible to blame my annual spring sneezing and wheezing on colds these days…since there are no other symptoms. Richard, too, gets all stuffy around this time of year, though he didn’t as a child. Unfortunately, it looks like Max has inherited our allergies, though quite early, at the age of three.

The Deadbeat Editor Letter Worked Again!

I used your letter! I had previously sent numerous e-mails to a publisher dragging his feet for payment that was promised in February. After I sent your letter, two hours later I had a sweet reply with a “sorry” on top! And a week later…behold, the check appeared.
Thank you so much!

Did I Handle This Situation Correctly?

I recently ran into a distressful writing situation and, while I feel I handled it the best way possible, I would welcome your thoughts. Perhaps this experience may help someone else.
I have “ghostwritten” several articles for a number of business clients. While there is always a level of “challenge” in writing these–mostly because of “executive egos”—I’ve been able to help several clients successfully place their stories in a variety of publications.
The last project I worked on, however, was a nightmare. One “co-author” (executive) would say use example X; the other “co-author” (executive) would say not to use example X. One said the story was “dry”; when I re-wrote it to be more “lively” the other “hated” the new version. I was getting caught in some kind of political crossfire; nonetheless I tried to maintain a respectful and responsive tone at all times.
After several frantic rewrites I called my “assignment editor” and told him what was happening. I emphasized that, while I appreciated how seriously the executives were taking the project, I needed to know exactly how the story was to be written.

Success in My Own Backyard By Kim Paton

In Bleak House, Charles Dickens coined the phrase “telescopic philanthropy.” It stands for the phenomenon of failing to see what occurs in your own back yard before setting your sights on more exotic locales. As a writer, I suffered from it and neglected my local markets for too long.

Whispers and Warnings For April 27th

This Week:

  • – Owner closes site after his identify is revealed…and then reopens. Rebuttal to that article appears here.
  • The Baltimore Sun – Governor’s office says review of paper’s alleged errors, distortions was inadequate, lackluster.
  • American Media and Sylvester Stallone – sued by Sly Magazine LLC for trademark infringement (see third paragraph)
  • The Source, a hip-hop magazine – Sources say pub is experiencing financial, advertising and circulation woes in the wake of sexual harassment lawsuit.
  • Cruces Sun-News – Judge refuses to stop publication of article despite magistrate’s objections.
  • – Really interesting scenario happening here!

Two Breakdowns in Two Days…

Late last week, we were starting to wonder if we’d ever get home. Between the heater leaking gobs of coolant all over the passenger side carpet, steam filling up the cab, being stranded on a highway median, getting towed, getting repaired, and then having the RV break down again the very next day, it was quite an adventure!
You can read about last week’s adventures in detail and see photos at:
Hugs to all!
~Do You Remember… Doo Bee Doo…~
My next class, How to Remember, Write and Publish Your Life Story, starts on May 2nd! Classes are a LOT of fun and we have a ball sharing our childhood memories while using the course memory triggers to record our memories in chronological order. The class is easy and FUN, only costs $40, and runs for six weeks. To read more or to sign up today, see:

Troublesome Interviewees By Angela Hoy

I was contacted this week by a writer who was stuck in between an editor and her interview subject.
She wrote an article, on spec, for a magazine. The editor sent a friendly note back, rejecting the article because its focus was too local. The magazine has a statewide readership.
The writer graciously thanked the editor for his time and asked him to contact her if he ever needed her services. He agreed.
The writer then reported to her interview subject (one of her instructors) that the article was rejected and why. The interview subject got very upset and demanded the writer contact the editor for more information about the “real reason” the article was rejected.


Hi Angela,
I got my check in the mail today. I just had to let you know that it has to be the fastest that anyone has ever paid me for writing. Wow. You are on the ball, very impressive.
Thanks! 🙂
Jacqueline Bodnar

The Power of “No!” By David Geer

I’ve been practicing the power of saying “No!”, no to low paying markets, unfair deals and crazy time constraints and work loads.

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