Ali Saves A Toddler’s Life

On Monday, a toddler, tall for his age, was walking down the road toward the bay here (we’re on Navarre Beach in Florida). A van drove right past him, steering around him, but didn’t bother to stop. He kept walking and was obviously alone. Ali hollered to me and then went to the toddler, who was almost to the water by then. He walked right past several people on the beach and nobody noticed. He was almost to the water…and still, nobody noticed.

Writing For Payment Or For Art’s Sake By Lynette Rees

Writing For Payment Or For Art’s Sake By Lynette Rees

Whenever the ‘P’ word — PAYMENT — gets a mention, writers are frequently up in arms. There appear to be two camps of thought: those that think we should all write for free, ‘because it is our art’, and those who want to get paid what they are worth as a writer. Of course, you yourself, might fall somewhere in between where you prefer to get paid, but will write for free for good causes or if it is to promote yourself.

Why Can’t I Join Your Forum?

I’ve tried to register for the WritersWeekly forum many times but I never receive a response. What’s going on?

The Week from Heaven By C. Hope Clark

Last week was a bummer – mistakes in my newsletter, a complaining subscriber, and a missed opportunity with a public relations person who might have helped my career. Rejections seemed to have built up behind a dam and flowed into my email all at once. I found it hard to practice my own preaching about positive attitude and always moving forward. One day I literally left the house and went for a walk to reorganize my thoughts and ponder personal goals.

Whispers and Warnings For April 6th

This Week: