Are you looking for new places to give promotion information on your latest release? I have several that I found helpful for press releases, promotional materials (bookmarks, pens, brochures with book excerpts, and other items), and media kits.
1. Email or send a press release to your hometown newspaper (often a weekly), and a regional newspaper (a bigger daily paper). Our Cincinnati paper included my recent book release and my photo in their online local news section.
2. Book review section of your regional newspaper.
3. High school newspaper, college newspaper.
4. Any alumni publications from schools you have attended.
5. Local library – I always leave bookmarks at my public library. The librarian was thrilled and got the library to order several copies of my Christmas book, The Christmas of 1957 ), for the county branches.
6. Children’s teachers. My daughter’s English teacher had me speak to his eighth grade classes about writing after I gave him a bookmark and reviews about my Christmas book. He also chose The Christmas of 1957 for them to read during the holiday season so they bought copies for each student.
7. Readers groups. The newspaper announces their meetings at bookstores or libraries. Maybe your friends or relatives belong to readers groups? They are always interested in new books and promo materials.
8. Church news bulletin – when I had a book signing in the area, I put it in the bulletin.
9. Local television stations. Some stations host early morning talk shows with a local slant.
10. Local radio stations that host interviews or have a book discussion program. I’ve done this before and they taped it ahead. It was lots of fun.
11. Newspapers, radio and television in any regions with which you have close ties. Did you live or work in a different area that you do now? Pitch your news there, too.
12. Booksellers with whom you have developed good relationships.
13. Corporate bulletin, company newsletter or bulletin board at your workplace. At a recent temporary seasonal job I had, there wasn’t a newsletter so I gave bookmarks to fellow workers.
14. Send postcards to friends and relatives. Relatives love to brag and friends are also great at spreading the word! You can get postcards with your book cover and release information done cheaply at several online printing places.
15. If you belong to a writing group, it should go without saying that you should announce your new releases. Writers are readers, too!
16. Present a workshop at the library or do a book signing there or wherever people gather. A book signing doesn’t have to be in a bookstore. Think outside the box. If your book setting is a coffee house (or even if it’s not!), offer to do a book signing at a coffee house.
17. Any friends or relatives with businesses? My sister-in-law is a beautician so she displays my books and bookmarks in her shop. (She’s sold several books for me.)
18. Consider doing a debut event in your hometown to highlight your book’s release.
And you thought getting your book published was the hard part. It doesn’t matter if you are a self-published author, published by a small press, or a New York house, you must promote yourself.
Diane Craver enjoys her life with her husband and six children. Her book, Whitney in Charge, is her newest release with Desert Breeze Publishing. Marrying Mallory will release in January. Diane is also the author of How To Run A Profitable Preschool Without The Hassle, The Christmas of 1957, Celebrating And Caring For Your Baby With Special Needs, Never the Same, No Greater Loss, and A Fiery Secret. To learn more about Diane and her writing, visit her website & blog at: https://www.dianecraver.com and https://www.dianecraver.com/blog.
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