Sit Down So I Can See You

I took Ali (age 13) in for her annual physical this week. She’s already 5′ 9″ (much to the frustration of her 17-year-old brother, who’s only 5′ 8″) and the doctor plotted her projected growth. The doc predicts Ali will be 5′ 11″ or 6′ by the time she’s finished growing. She already has a hard time finding nice shoes in her size, and we already have to look up when we talk to her. Ali’s taking it all in stride. She’s very proud of her height…and boys don’t pick on her anymore since she towers over those her age. Heh…

Zach started the new golf season this week. He’s a senior and one of the best players. He was named one of the team captains this year (there are two captains each year). He’s very proud and having fun playing every day. Since Ali and Frank are homeschooled now, we don’t have to go on that annual, expensive school-clothes-shopping-spree. We do still buy supplies, but we don’t have to buy brand new Nikes, designer jeans, and more. What a relief!! And, since the children don’t feel any pressure to wear “just the right” clothes, they don’t mind missing the shopping spree this year.

Frank’s birthday party was on Saturday. We took six children skating and then they all spent the night. Richard and I are still recovering from that…

Hugs to all!

P.S. Want to read real query letters that landed these contracts?
Woman’s Day – $2,800; Redbook – $3,500; Ladies Home Journal – $3,000; – $2,000; Lifetime Magazine – $3,000; Life Extension magazine – $6,480; Natural Remedies $11,300; and many more!