I Can Count On One Hand…

I’ve been fighting a croupy bug for almost two weeks now. I’d get a little better, then worse, then better, again. I felt better on Friday and ran some errands. We then went to our friends’ for dinner that night. On Saturday, I woke up very ill and spent the day in bed. I can count on one hand how many days I’ve spent in bed for an illness…and that includes childbirth. On Sunday, I felt even worse. I felt very bad not being able to help with the big Easter dinner. Ali (age 15), bless her heart, cooked the entire holiday meal all by herself. From ham, to yams, to deviled eggs and lots more, we were treated to quite a feast! She really saved the day.

On Monday, I woke up with pains in my chest and thought I had pneumonia. Being 31 weeks pregnant, I knew they’d put me in the hospital if I did. I was terrified because we have four children and a business to run and I don’t have time to be THAT sick and, I admit it, I’m a big weenie and I HATE hospitals. I panicked and called the doc. They were booked but squeezed me in. I have a secondary infection from the virus that’s going around and they put me on antibiotics and an inhaler to prevent pneumonia from setting in. Thank heavens it wasn’t pneumonia yet! I should have gone to the doctor a week ago. Anyway, I’m going to finish editing the issue and then I’m going back to bed.

Hugs to everybody!


P.S. Write your autobiography this year! Think you can’t remember your childhood? Yes you can, using my memory triggers! Sign up for my popular and FUN class, How to Remember, Write and Publish Your Life Story! See: https://www.writersweekly.com/wwu/courses/memories.html