Nature’s Awesome Fall Show!

Our cross-country, summer trek was so much fun that we’ve taken our children and business on the open road again! We departed Bangor, Maine on Sunday with our laptops and the kiddos and started driving south. During our last trip, we were sensible (say boring). We had a firm itinerary and had made all our reservations in advance. However, that kind of traveling was kind of a drag because we couldn’t stay longer at the places we liked (and had already prepaid for the bad places even when we wanted to leave early). So, this time, we did the non-sensible thing and left home with an itinerary, but no reservations.

Ten Ways to Get Your Money from Deadbeat Editors By Anita Biase

It goes like this: I open the door, look both ways and sprint for the mailbox in my footie pajamas (much to the delight of my neighbors). I reach up eagerly and open the cubicle, and pull out a handful of circulars and bills. It’s happened to all of us. You need to pay the light bill, upgrade your PC, and take your child to the orthodontist. You eagerly track the mailman’s progress and search your mailbox diligently. The promised check didn’t come and it doesn’t come the next day or the day after that either. You contact the editor rather humbly and ask him to check and be sure the money was mailed to the correct address. He either doesn’t answer your communications, or he makes a really flimsy excuse and mumbles those famous words, “It’s in the mail.”

MJ Rose on Switching From Fiction to Journalism

I am struggling with an issue related to writing. I am in my second semester of college, studying journalism. My past writing experience has mainly been fiction, and personal essays. Last semester I wrote several feature articles as well as a movie review. This semester, I have been working on an investigative piece and am now having a problem with switching writing styles.

Christian Authors Guild Publishes 2nd Collaborative Book

In 2003, the Cherokee Christian Writers Group wrote and published Stepping Stones Across the Stream of Time, a collection of memoirs from the members. The purpose of the print on demand (POD) project was to not only produce inspiring and entertaining stories, but to also give new authors a chance to see their work in print. The press coverage given to their book was responsible for bringing a number of new writers into the group. The initial run of 350 books was sold out within two weeks, not only making the project self-supporting, but also adding to the organization’s charity fund.

Whispers and Warnings For October 6th

This Week: