Should I pay my vanity publisher to review my book?

Should I pay my vanity publisher to review my book?

I am publishing my book through a vanity publisher. They want me to pay them to write a review about my book. I guess I could then use that review in my marketing materials. Do you think it will be worth the money?


A – 

We don’t upsell authors on book review services at Why? The answer should be obvious to book buyers. Nobody believes a publisher’s review of a book because they always have an ulterior motive behind their reviews – to sell books. Furthermore, paying for such a review is ludicrous because it will be worthless, and can actually hurt your credibility.

You should get reviews from real reviewers, or even comments from your readers, and post those. They have nothing to gain from their words and your reputation will not suffer.


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The Working Parent's Guide To Homeschooling

Dissatisfaction with public and private schools continues to grow, and with more and more acceptance of homeschoolers at colleges and universities, now is the time to encourage all those who are ready and willing, that they are able and qualified to teach their children, even and especially if they must continue working. The Working Parent’s Guide to Homeschooling answers questions such as, “How can I work and homeschool?” by showing the reader how to find what works for them.

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