“My publisher killed my book without telling me! What can I do?”

“My publisher killed my book without telling me! What can I do?”

Q –

Good evening Angela,

I published a book back in 2010 and I am currently finishing up my second book. My previous publisher dropped me without notification of doing so. What can I do about getting my book back in print?

Thank you for your time and your help.

– J.

A –

You didn’t provide much detail but, regardless, any author who is upset with their publisher is eligible to move to BookLocker, and is qualified for our Disgruntled Author Special. This provides a $158 savings off our At Your Service Package, but with the exact same services.

The costs would be:

$250 setup (Disgruntled Author Special)
$18 First year annual file hosting fee
$250 ORIGINAL cover design (optional). No ugly templates!
$199 Basic epub/mobi (ebook) formatting/conversion/distribution (optional)

These are the same prices we charge our returning authors on their second and subsequent books so you can use this link to sign up:

You can see what’s included HERE.


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More Q&A with Angela!



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One Response to "“My publisher killed my book without telling me! What can I do?”"

  1. joe sixpak  December 21, 2017 at 11:25 pm

    only if she owns the rights to the book. what did the original contract say about this situation? it is possible that the original publisher kept all reublication rights. if so they may give them back if asked since they dont want to republish the book.