Dreaming About Spring

It’s so cold here that the entire family is suffering from severe dry skin. From my nosebleeds to Max scratching his knees raw, it feels like we’re keeping the moisturizer industry in business these days.

Readers Respond: How Much Would You Write For?

Last week, I wrote about the growing controversy over crappy writing jobs that pay only a buck or two per article. I also published an email I’d received that complained about a job I ran that paid $9/hour. I then wrote, “Is $9/hour low-ball pay or is that a home-based wage you would accept? What do you estimate you are you currently earning per hour on your writing jobs?”

Successful Stringing By Eric Seiverling

Many beginning freelance writers assume the path to wealth and success is found in the pages of glossy, popular magazines that line bookstore shelves or novels from New York City that reach the best-seller list.

Should I Send This Person A Copy Of My Driver’s License And Social Security Card?

I’m so thankful for your website and newsletter. I’m a beginning writer and have just received my first contract to ghostwrite for a website from a job listed in your newsletter and I’m so excited. But I’m uncomfortable with their request for me to send a copy of my driver’s license and social security card.

A Real Chance In A Second Life: Virtual Book Signing In The SecondLife.com Virtual World By Al Perrin

I arrive at the library a little early for the book signing to find people already there, and more arriving. One suddenly appears out of thin air, right in front of me, while another literally flies through the door, and lands like a feather, rapidly walking to the information desk. Groups of people are standing around talking, but there isn’t a sound, and their mouths aren’t moving. Instead, their hands type on a nonexistent keyboard and a cartoon bubble floats above their heads where the words appear.