The Reporter: Part II - Redemption by Peter J. Gallanis

The Reporter: Part II - Redemption

by Peter J. Gallanis

550 pages
Disgraced reporter, former source, team up to solve murder mystery.

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Category: Fiction:Mystery
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About the Book
Only 4 days after its release, The Reporter: Part II - Redemption reached #8 on Amazon's Hot New Release list in the metaphysical category!

Ten years have passed since the events of The Reporter: Part I – Rise and Fall.

Nic Pappas, now Dr. Niccolo Yannis Pappas, a journalism professor with Columbia College, Chicago, reunites with Mary Jane Santos to once again investigate the case that has become known as The Brown’s Chicken Massacre.

Through use of the Freedom of Information Act Santos acquires what Pappas said he’d always wanted, the Brown’s case files. Now armed with full access to the case Pappas and Santos assemble one of the largest undercover teams to ever investigate a single case and launch a nation-wide manhunt to find the Brown’s murderers.

Haunted by the demons of his past, a fate he feels he can’t escape, and an obsession to settle old scores, Pappas formulates a meticulous master plan to find the killers and bring them to justice knowing that doing so will finally grant him his heart’s desire—Mary Jane Santos.

But Santos doesn’t want the killers brought to justice—she wants them dead ...


Related Title
  • The Reporter: Part I - Rise and Fall by Peter J. Gallanis
    Nic Pappas, a reporter with the Palatine Star newspaper, is assigned to cover a cold murder case known as The Brown's Chicken Massacre. Pappas meets, and falls in love with, Mary Jane Santos, who lost her brother, Roland, Jr., in the tragedy, tempting Pappas to violate the ethics of the reporter-source relationship. Believing the only way to end his dilemma is to solve the case, Pappas and Santos make a pledge to catch the killers.


About the Author
Peter J. Gallanis Peter J. Gallanis has worked in the Chicago area newspaper and magazine business for 20 years. He lives in Crystal Lake, Ill., with his lovely wife Chriselda, son Alexander, daughter Antonia, and their dog, Harley the Wonder Mutt.


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