The FINE PRINT of Self-Publishing - Fifth Edition by Mark Levine

The FINE PRINT of Self-Publishing - Fifth Edition

by Mark Levine

269 pages
A primer on contracts, printing costs, royalties, distribution, e-books, and marketing

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About the Book

The Fine Print of Self-Publishing has been lauded by many experts as the Consumer Reports of the self-publishing industry. This book has helped thousands of authors choose the right self-publishing company and avoid the ones with unfair contracts or low-quality services.

The Fine Print of Self-Publishing analyzes and critiques the contracts and services of the top self-publishing companies. Additionally, the book educates authors on how to decipher the legalese in self-publishing contracts. As a result, many authors have been able to intelligently negotiate their own book contracts without having to hire a lawyer.

"If you're considering paying a company to publish your book, don't do anything until you read The Fine Print and consider the alternatives. It will save you a lot of time, money, and heartache." -Dan Poynter, The Self-Publishing Manual


“Mark, thanks for pointing out some important changes to our contract. We’re glad to be more author-friendly!”
- Thomas Freiling, CEO Xelon Press
The Fine Print is a consumer-friendly guide to choosing your best self -publishing deal. Mark explains the industry’s tricky contract language in such clear terms, that any non-lawyer can understand and follow.
- Perry Binder, Associate Professor of Legal Studies, Georgia State University
Quoted from Goodreads with permission from Chris Queen: I did, however, take (Mark Levine's) advice ten years later inasmuch as he highly recommends Angela and Richard Hoy, and, a Print on Demand (POD) publisher. Levine's advice was excellent and he says if you can find a POD publisher paying a higher royalty than BookLocker then go with it. Angela Hoy has already proven to be a good friend, as her husband also, and she writes a weekly e-zine called WritersWeekly that I highly recommend. Angela has recently written articles about the defunct Tate Publishing (Federal Charges Pending for Tate Officers). Mark Levine has written an excellent book, and provides needed information for Indie Writers. Tell Angela Hoy I sent you.
- Chris Queen, author - Misquoting Logic: What Bart Ehrman Forgot To Tell You About The Coming Apocalypse And Your Place In It -



About the Author
Mark Levine is the president of Hillcrest Media Group, Inc. Hillcrest provides book publishing, marketing, printing and distribution services for authors and independent presses.

Mark was one of the founders of Click Industries, Ltd., an online company that provides products and services for small business owners, writers, musicians, and other artists. The company was sold in 2009.

The Fine Print of Self-Publishing is in its 5th edition. In addition to The Fine Print, Mark has published scholarly works and two novels.


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