Sell Your Frustration By Alice Wisler

“Someone broke into my car.” “She’s late again.” “Why would anyone say that to a friend?”
Frustration surrounds us whether we are in preschool, tenth grade, or an adult out in the world. But did you know that your emotions can be channeled to write articles that sell? Unpleasant real life situations can be created into pieces that actually benefit others…

My Traditional Publisher Abandoned My Book!

Several years ago I contracted with a publisher to write a biography. The contract was pretty draconian, claiming all print and electronic rights, but I anticipated good sales and, after some haggling, I signed the agreement.
It appears the publisher is no longer actively selling the book. A major indication of that, in my view, is that the book isn’t available through the publisher’s website now, although others in the same series are. I would like to reclaim electronic rights at least, and wonder what the best approach might be. Does the publisher’s obvious lack of interest in the book give me leverage? If I do a re-write before self-publishing, would that shield me from legal challenges?